• See the Difference: Save $1,000 on LASIK ,   Find More

    *Must mention this promotion and be treated in October of 2024 to qualify. $1,000 off for both eyes on standard Wavelight price, $500 off for one eye. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

Your LASIK Procedure In 5 Steps

Does Insurance Cover LASIK

1. Your Initial Eye Exam

Through a free 60- to 90- minute consultation we determine if you’re a candidate for laser vision correction. You will undergo many tests similar to those you’ve experienced during your annual eye exam as well as additional scans that tell us important information about your eyes as they relate to LASIK.

Your Free LASIK examination includes:

  • A check for visual acuity and visual field (peripheral vision)
  • Measurements of corneal thickness in topography
  • Readings of your previous eye prescription using your glasses lenses
  • An examination of your pupils for reactivity
  • An evaluation of the muscle function and dominance of your eyes
  • An assessment of your eye health may include pupil dilation and slit lamp test
  • Readings of your eyes pressure to check for glaucoma
  • An inspection of the peripheral retina for health
  • An assessment of your overall medical health
  • A discussion of your hobbies and occupation

Schedule A FREE Consultation
obscured view of young female patient getting eye test in clinic

2. Are You A LASIK Candidate?

All of the information gathered during your testing and discussion with your doctors allows us to determine if you’re a candidate for laser vision correction and if so, allows us to develop a personalized LasikPlus treatment plan best suited for your individual vision and lifestyle needs.

At LasikPlus, we know that laser vision correction is not a one-size-fits-all solution. In fact, we provide a comprehensive examination for free in order to provide you with the best outcome.

At the end of your exam, you will meet with our surgical coordinator who will get you scheduled for your LASIK procedure so you can experience 20/20 vision* as soon as possible. If you are interested in taking advantage of our guaranteed financing which includes $0 down or 0% financing options and low monthly payments, you can apply online here or our financing specialists can assist you in applying during your consultation.

eye surgeon

3. The LasikPlus LASIK Procedure

At LasikPlus, the 100% bladeless LASIK procedure itself takes less than 15 minutes from the time you enter the procedure suite.

Prior to the start, your eyes will be completely numbed with drops to ensure your comfort during the surgical operation. You will also be fully educated about how LASIK is performed and what steps to take once you get home to allow for a comfortable and speedy recovery.

On your surgery day, you should expect to be with us for about 90 minutes to 2 hours. This allows adequate time for your registration, preparation, and final eye testing, and gives you an opportunity to relax and enjoy this life-changing experience.

obscured view of young female patient getting eye test in clinic

4. Immediate Results

Upon sitting up in the treatment room you will immediately notice an improvement in your vision. If you are like most of our patients, you will sit up and tell us the exact time from the clock hanging across the treatment room and maybe even shed a tear when you see the faces of those who came with you!

After a quick check of your eyes, you will be provided with protective eyewear and released to go home. Even though we will ask you to keep your eyes closed on the drive home, we realize you, like most patients, will take a peek only to be surprised you can already read the street signs! Your significant vision clarity will only continue to improve over the following days and weeks.

eye surgeon

5. Post-operative care

After your surgery, you will be asked to go home and take a nap for a few hours. During this time your eyes will start to heal. Upon waking up, you may experience some minor sensitivity and dryness, which may feel like you have a dry contact lens in your eye. You should start to use the drops provided to you based on the drop-schedule provided by your LasikPlus medical team. These drops will help with the dryness and sensitivity you may be feeling.

Your treatment day isn’t the end of your LASIK journey – we will want to see you for at least one, but maybe a couple of quick post-operative appointments to ensure your eye is healing well. This also allows you time to ask any question you may have as your eyes are healing and your vision is continuing to improve.