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    *Must mention this promotion and be treated in September of 2024 to qualify. $1,000 off for both eyes on standard Wavelight price, $500 off for one eye. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

Why Use a Health Savings Account for LASIK ?

LASIK is now more affordable than ever, and the dream of clear vision can be a reality when you set aside money in your health savings account (HSA) this year. Investing in a health savings account is a great way to enjoy some tax benefits and make laser eye surgery that much more affordable.

Here are some key reasons to put money aside in an HSA for LASIK this year:

Up to a 30-Percent Discount

A tax-free health savings account means you pay for your laser vision correction services using your pretax dollars. For those who are eligible, this can mean a savings of up to 30 percent on the cost of LASIK. When you consider that the average cost of LASIK is around $3,000-$4,000, this equates to saving as much as $700 on the procedure.

Little or No Financing Needed

While patient financing plans offer plenty of benefits for those who may not have the cash on hand to pay for their procedure, saving upfront in a health savings account can really help. When you have the funds set aside in an HSA, you may find that you can altogether avoid making monthly payments or being charged an interest rate on your investment. And there is good news for 2013, as the IRS has announced that HSA limits will be increasing by $150, to a $3,250 limit for individuals.  This increased contribution limit will help you put even more savings aside, tax-free, further reducing the need  for additional payments or financing for your procedure.

Employer-Matched Contributions

Some employers will match contributions you make toward an HSA over the course of the year. When you know how much your laser eye surgery procedure will cost and are ready to start saving for it, calculate how much your employer might contribute to the account. You’ll find it much easier to reach your financial goal and may end up saving a substantial amount on the typical cost of a LASIK procedure.

Choose Your LASIK Center

A health savings account works much like a personal savings account, so you aren’t committed to any specific LASIK center or surgeon to enjoy the benefits. You’re free to shop around for the best services based on quality, experience of the surgeon, and value. You get to decide where you want to spend those HSA dollars. Many LASIK providers accept a vision plan or other discount program in addition to HSA, which means you could end up paying even less for LASIK.

You will need to find out if LASIK is right for you before you transfer money into a health savings account. If you think you’re ready for laser eye surgery, make sure you book a consultation with a qualified LASIK surgeon in your area to find out if you are a candidate for the procedure. Whether you choose to use an HSA or not, check into all the benefits LASIK provides, both from a financial perspective over glasses or contacts and from a convenience standpoint. It’s one investment you’ll be glad you made.