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*Must mention this promotion and be treated in February of 2025 to qualify. $1,000 off for both eyes on standard Wavelight price, $500 off for one eye. Cannot be combined with any other offers.
As a little kid, finding an eyelash on your nose or cheek would have been such an exciting discovery: make a wish, blow it away, wish granted! As an adult though, feeling an eyelash fall out is… disheartening- especially if you fawn over a full set of lashes.
The truth is, it’s totally normal to lose between one and five eyelashes each day. But even though losing some eyelashes is normal, many people are dying to know: “do eyelashes grow back??”
The short answer is: yep! We’re diving into all things eyelash-loss below.
Eyelashes play a much more important role than simply framing your eyes. They are so vital for the overall health and wellness of your eyes.
Eyelashes protect your eyes by keeping away any airborne dust particles and debris, and with each blink they moisturize and cleanse your lens- keeping them clear and ready for action.
Fun fact: we are all born with a predetermined amount of hair follicles, and each of our eyelashes are designed to fall out at a certain length. Most of the time, losing eyelashes is a normal part of everyday life. When you lose an eyelash, typically it will grow back.
Just like the hairs on your head- eyelashes are designed to grow in, fall out, and regrow again.
You may find yourself wondering how long it takes for eyelashes to grow back. The good news is: as long as there’s no damage to the eyelids or hair follicles itself, eyelashes should naturally grow back in- although they can take anywhere from a whopping 2-16 weeks to do so.
Patience is definitely required, but depending on what caused you to lose your eyelashes in the first place, you may see results even sooner!
Only if there are underlying eye conditions– or serious damage to the eyelid- will your eyelashes not grow back.
So… cool: eyelashes will grow back over time. But, why are they falling out, and what can you do about it?
There are actually many reasons why eyelashes fall out- and most of the reasons aren’t serious.
Oftentimes, it’s as simple as switching out a mascara tube or being extra careful to wash your hands before you touch your eyes. Let’s talk about some reasons why you’re losing eyelashes in the first place.
Here are a few reasons why you could be losing eyelashes:
This disorder causes people with anxiety to pull out hair from the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelids.
What can you do about it? Talk to your doctor if you think you may have trichotillomania; they might provide you with an anti-stress medication, or encourage you to look into stress management practices like working out, yoga or meditation.
If you’re experiencing itchiness, burning, redness or swelling on your eyelids, you may have a condition called blepharitis. This eye condition occurs when the oil glands at the base of your eyelashes become clogged, and cause chronic inflammation in the eyelash follicles.
Sounds painful, right?
Unfortunately, there isn’t really a cure for blepharitis- but there are a number of ways that you can ease the symptoms. Possible treatments include warm compresses, eyelid scrubs, eye drops and occasionally antibiotics prescribed by your doctor
This is one of the most common reasons that people experience eyelash loss (and even eye styes too!)
Sleeping with your eye makeup on overnight, curling your lashes, or using lash extensions can all contribute to your eyelashes falling out. Eyelash loss can also stem from mascara itself and the glue used for fake eyelashes. If your eyelashes are falling out- and you wear eye makeup daily- make sure that you are washing your eyes gently (but thoroughly) before you go to bed.
Also, consider getting rid of or switching-out your old eye makeup. Mascara typically only lasts for about 90 days before it goes bad, and most eyeliners should only last about 6 months before you replace them. And remember: you should never share your eye makeup with anyone else, otherwise you risk sharing bacteria or germs from the other person’s eyes.
Eyelash loss can begin shortly after beginning chemo treatment, and it’s severity can vary from patient to patient; some patients lose all their eyelashes, and some lose only a few.
If you are losing eyelashes as the result of chemo, talk to your doctor about your options. They will be able to recommend a safe eyelash growth serum or alternative method of boosting eyelash growth.
Here’s a quick science lesson on the 3 stages of eyelash growth, according to Adler’s Physiology of the Eye:
This first phase is the growth period for your baby eyelashes.
This period usually lasts about 30-40 days. Each specific lash will grow to a determined length- and then stop. If your eyelash happens to fall out during this time, it won’t grow back right away.
This phase is the transition period for your eyelashes.
During this process, the eyelash gets cut off from the blood supply and from the cells that produce new hair. The catagen phase takes about 2-3 weeks to complete.
The telogen phase is your eyelashes resting period.
This phase can last anywhere from four to nine months, and is the period of time before your eyelashes fall out, and a new one starts to replace it.
Wash, Rinse, Repeat!
Like we mentioned above, as a general rule of thumb, losing a few eyelashes is a totally normal part of life. They grow, fall out, and regrow again. Occasionally though, losing eyelashes could indicate something a little more serious.
You should see your doctor about losing eyelashes if:
Taking care of your eyes means much more than just making sure they look good. It’s important to also take care of how they function, too!
Here are some of the best ways to take care of your peepers:
Maintaining a healthy diet that is full of vitamin-rich foods is a great way to keep your eyes in the best shape possible. Oftentimes, poor eyesight is attributed to aging or eye strain- however the reality is our diets play a crucial role in the health of our eyes. Read more about the best foods to promote better vision here.
Protect your eyes from the sun with sunglasses or hats, and from blue light exposure by investing in protective eyewear specifically designed to block out harmful blue light.
Contacts are really not great for your eyes. They harbor bacteria and can cause serious problems if they’re not taken care of properly. With LASIK, you can free yourself from having to wear contacts and glasses, once and for all!
Click here to schedule your free consultation and determine if you are a candidate for LASIK, or give us a call to request a free information kit at 1.866.755.2026.
Eyelash loss is a totally natural part of life. If you’re losing a few eyelashes here-and-there, not to worry! Only if you’re experiencing other symptoms should you seek professional help.
The eyes are the window to the soul, right? So take care of your eyes, and follow the tips above to maintain healthy eyes and eyelashes!
Eyelash growth serums are often not effective, but 20/20 LASIK surgery is!
LasikPlus is here to help with your vision needs, so if you’re looking to give your eyes the love and attention they need, ditch your glasses or contacts once and for all.
Call us today to schedule your free eye exam at 1.866.755.2026 or you can click here to schedule your free consultation.
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Your vision issues can most likely be corrected with a LASIK procedure. Schedule a free consultation today.
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