• See the Difference: Save $1,000 on LASIK ,   Find More

    *Must mention this promotion and be treated in September of 2024 to qualify. $1,000 off for both eyes on standard Wavelight price, $500 off for one eye. Cannot be combined with any other offers.

Am I  a good candidate for LASIK?

One of the most important factors in making the decision if LASIK eye surgery is right for you is to know you are a safe candidate for the procedure. Advances in laser vision correction mean more and more people are safe candidates for the procedure, but the best way to know if you are a good candidate for the procedure is to have a comprehensive LASIK eye examination by a team of LASIK specialists. At LasikPlus, we make this comprehensive examination FREE to interested patients. We use a full range of diagnostic equipment, some of which is specific to determining your candidacy for LASIK and some of which would have been used by an optometrist during a routine eye examination. Our goal is to ensure precise diagnosis and measurements so we can provide you with a customized treatment plan for your individual and unique vision correction needs.

Some factors considered when determining LASIK candidacy include:

  • Vision prescription ranges and stability. While many people think their prescription, whether nearsighted, farsighted, or astigmatism, will be too high for them to qualify for LASIK, this is usually not true. Prescription alone is not the only factor in determining candidacy, so even if you have a high prescription, you should be seen for a LASIK examination. We frequently hear patients say they didn’t think they were going to be a candidate because they had astigmatism, but LASIK has been effectively correcting astigmatism for years.
  • General eye health. There are some eye health problems such as glaucoma or keloid scarring that may prevent a patient from being a candidate.
  • Corneal thickness. For a small number of people, their corneas are too thin to either allow the creation of a flap. If this precludes them from having LASIK, they may still be candidates for PRK, another type of laser vision correction.